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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful)

Hazrat Fatima (Ra)

Hazrat Fatima (Ra) was the youngest dughter. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) and Khadija (Ra). She was born in 605 A C at makka. From her childhood she was as intelligent as the possessor of wvery good character. Her title was Zahra (Exquisitely beautiful or paragon of beauty ) and Batul (sacred, indifferent to worldy things). The great Prophet loved her very much. She was married to Hazrat Ali (ra) after the battle of Badr in the second year of Hijri.

Hazrat Ali (Ra) the husband of Hazrat Fatima (Ra) was very poor. He used to earn his livelihood by hard labour. Due to poverty they used to live with one meal a day or even without a meal throughout the day. Sometimes they were staving for two three days. Yet they did never lose patience. They were always beaming with contentment. Fatima (Ra) used to perform by herself all her domestic duties. She herself would do everything form rearing up of children, service to the husband as well as all other activities. Blister would develop in her hands for pressing millstone. She had no slaves. She did not like decoration or pomp and grandeur. She used to lead a simple life.

Despite poverty, Fatima (Ra) was very much charitable. She never returned a beggar empty-handed. Even after starvation for 2-3 days, if some provision was arranged and if at the moment a beggar came to her door, she would hand it over to the beggar. She herself would spend her day simply by drinking water.

When in deathbed, the Prophet (Sm) saked her to come and said to her, O my mother! I shall be no more, I shall take leave of you. Fatima (Ra) was grief-stricken and began to cry. Seeing this, the Prophet (Sm) bought his face to her car and whispered, Mother! Of all members of my family you will be the first to join me. Hearing this, Fatima (Ra) smiled with pleasure. Hazrat Fatima had acpuired all the qualities of her ides parents. She had devotion to truth, patience, charity, modesty, loyalty to husband, dependence on Allah etc. all the noble qualities. She is the leader of all women in jannat. Fatima (Ra) was the apple of the Prophet’s eye. The prophet (Sm) said, whoever gives trouble to Fatima, he in fact gives trouble to me. (Bukhari) Hazrat Fatima (Ra) was the mother of Imam Hasan and Iman Hussain (Ra).

The ideas of the eleventh Hijri 633 A C six months after the demise of the Great Prophet (Sm).

We shall learn Fatima (Ra)’s life and be able to tell it. We shall follow her ideal of life.

Hazrat Hamza (Ra)

The great warrior and companion Hazrat Hamza (Ra) was an uncle of lthe great Prophet (Sm). His conversion to Islam was a sudden incident.

After being bestowed with Prophethood, the Great Prophet Ism) started preaching Islam publicly. For this reason the infidels started opposition and oppression. In the meantime one day the Great Prophet (Sm) was in meditation at the foot of Safa mountain. The wicked Abu Jahl rebuked him in an extremely, objectionable language and struck him. Uttering not a world the Great Prophet (Sm) returned home. Hamza (Ra) had just returned from hunting. He came to know about this incdent. He rushed angrily in that condition to the compound of Kaba. Seeing Abu Jahl sitting among other leaders of Quraish he roared like a lion. Striking Abu Jahl’s head with his bow again and again, he said, what you you dare rebuke my nephew and strike him. Hamza declared so listen I recite la illaha illallahu Muhammad (Sm) is his Messenger) and I accept islam, the religion of Muhammad (Sm). Hamza presently went the great Prophet (Sm) and narrated the whole incident. He also informed him about his conversion to Islam. The great Prophet (Sm) was very pleased by acceptance of Islam by a warrior like Hamza.

Hazrat hamza (Ra) was a mighty brave warrior. He was honoured by the title of the lion of Allah his Prophet’s for his incomparable bravery. After accepting islam hamza (Ra) dedicated himself to the cause of the Great Prophet (Sm) and Islam. He remained like a shadow with the Great Prophet during different crises. When the Great Prophet (Sm) was engaged in preaching Islam security of the Prophet (Sm) and the Muslims rested with Hamza (Ra). Hazrat Hamza (Ra) earned name and fame for his excellent bravery in the battle of Badr. In that battle the Muslims kill many Quraish leaders including Abu Jahl.

In the battle of Uhud, Hamza (Ra) was one of the targets of the infidels for killing, because many Quraish heroes were killed by Hamza (Ra) in the battle of Badr. As a result at one stage of the battle, Abyssinian slave wahshi Ibn Harb with a’spear attacked him. He fell down on the ground and was martyred.

We shall learn about the boundless valour of Hazrat Hamza (Ra) and be able to tell them. We shall follow his ideal.